Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Smalltalk with Snowraptors

I thought that sounded like a pretty cool title for something.
Today it snowed a lot. I woke up at around eight, rejuvenated and excitable once more, then continued resting until about 10 or 11. This seemed to me like a pretty good way to start a snow day. Then, I watched Top Chef All Stars, which is one of the only television shows I ever watch. Then, I ate bread. Then, I ate cake. Although this hasn't been a most healthful-food-filled day, it's definitely been a delicious one. And then I had to shovel snow. I'm a wimp, a big wimp, so I think you can pretty well imagine how that went. But, for those of you who can't:
So, that's basically what happens. The snow blows right back into my face and I get all angry and start complaining because I'm a wimp and get very cold and tired very easily.
BUT, today, I conquered that stupid snow. I CONQUERED it.
My brother and sister and I conquered that monstrosity today. It was light and fluffy and almost as wimpy as me, which is how I was able to DESTROY ALL OF IT. Pwtchah (accent on the "ah!")!

A few minutes ago, I asked my brother, "Do you want to go outside and make a snowraptor with me?

He said: It's, um, a little dark outside.

Me: So? We'll turn on the outside lights.

Him: Nnno.

Me: How about tomorrow?

Him: During school?

Me: No. After school.

Him: During homework and Fictional World History Club and Boy Scouts?

Me: No. After Fictional World History Club and during homework.

Him: No.

I really want to build a snowraptor so that I can sing a song about them. Somebody volunteer to build one with me. Please. Quickly. Before the snow becomes ice, which it probably already is.


I'm so delighted that you have something to say! Or maybe you don't have something to say. That's okay too. I understand.