Friday, November 26, 2010

Have I Ever Mentioned That I Love The Sound Of A Working Watch?

I LOVE CLOCKS!!!! They tell the time, they click ever-so-delicately, they can be colorful and adorable, and you can NEVER HAVE TOO MANY OF THEM BECAUSE THEY'RE SO WONDERFUL. I love clocks. I love clocks.

So, today, my family and my cousins and my grandparents and I all went to our other grandparents' house for a day-late-Thanksgiving lunch (our family doesn't do Thanksgiving dinners. We only do lunches. Yesterday we did lunch too.) and since it is also my sister's birthday, we celebrated her birthday there! And that was also my aunt's excuse for giving everybody birthday presents because she missed my brother's birthday and my birthday. And you'll never guess what I got! A WATCH!! Oh, man! I love those things! And this one actually has a second hand (my old watch and my pocket watch (see here for more details on why in the world I would have a pocket watch besides the fact that they're fantastic) don't have second hands, though they do make such soothing and wonderful ticking noises). And it makes quite a loud ticking noise! It's much louder than most watches I've ever heard before (but not louder than clocks. You can't get much louder than a grandfather clock. My friend had (has?) one of those. It was loud.), and I can hear it from something like four feet away (or more?). I love it. I wonder what it's going to be like to sleep next to this thing. Tick... tick... tick... tick... tick... tick... tick... tick... tick... tick... tick... tick... tick... tick...

In other exciting news, I'm wearing an argyle sweater. It's banana yellow and the argyle is red and brown. I love it and it's fantastic.



Tick... tick... tick... tick... tick...

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